The Synchronicity Investor has bundled top-selling books for your reading and learning enjoyment.
Why Does TSI Create Ebook Bundles?
Bundles create fantastic value for customers because they get multiple books for a lower price. TSI is customer conscious, and we want the best for our customers. With our bundles, you have one purchase and one download.
Note: downloaded books are in one file with multiple pdf ebooks in it (one for each title), in place of one pdf file with all the books in that one pdf.
Why Does TSI Create Ebook Bundles?
Bundles create fantastic value for customers because they get multiple books for a lower price. TSI is customer conscious, and we want the best for our customers. With our bundles, you have one purchase and one download.
Note: downloaded books are in one file with multiple pdf ebooks in it (one for each title), in place of one pdf file with all the books in that one pdf.